Thursday, March 20, 2014

week 1

I chose Audra Geras as the artist I found interesting this week.  I currently work in the medical field and always wondered who painted or designed the great pictures you see on books and other medical supplies.  Audra is from Toronto and creates digital picture using a mixture of techniques.  a lot of her pictures are abstractions used as visual aids for meditations.  She also designs 3D animated videos.

Audra Geras is also well known as a medical artist.  she one of the people that design the pictures we all see in the medical field.  Her biomedical art is used globally by pharmaceutical and biomedical firms.  she gets her inspirations by exploring subjects like nature, spirituality, technology and the human mind.  www.audrageras

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1 comment:

  1. Nice post, Jeannette. You have this down and are off and running...
